About Fees

The fees for this medical practice are regulated by the Ministry of Health so we can received subsidy for you.

The full fee for this practice has been set at $120 for seeing us for a maximum 15 minute consultation. Any longer consultations are possible for complex cases or involve time like many forms to fill. This is charged at multiples of $120. This fee is subsidised in many situations for people who are eligible for public funds. We follow exactly the Ministry of Health guide for those who qualify.

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Subsidised Fees

Each patient who qualifies is entitled to a subsided fee (though enrolment). As such the patient undertakes to use the medical practice for health needs and all medical files will be kept safe and be accessible by the patient at anytime. The practice undertakes to ensure patient health is optimised in a preventative way as well as interventional when a sudden deterioration occurs and ongoing follow up is required. The fees are listed for those that qualify.

Enrolled fees for booked maximum 15 minute appointments (all fees include GST):






The Ministry of Health further subsidise other patients who are deemed to be at risk or disadvantaged through ethnicity or social status or low income. For these people a community services card is available through application to the Work and Income department of the Ministry of Social Development.

Community Services Card Holders fees



About ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation)

Another part to the health system, covers for accidents (ACC – accident compensation corporation). This system was created in 1974 for the purpose of injured people to get the treatment they need in a timely manner. This is funded by levies on the public, businesses and by investments, to fund the claims from injured people. To qualify for ACC an injury needs to be registered through any number of health practitioners – doctors, nurses, physiotherapist… When lodged ACC will fund some treatments and visits to health practitioners to keep the cost down and allow for timely recovery. It is well known that when people get injured and there is delay to care, patients will have a poor outcome and may not return to pre injury activity.

In case of workers, ACC will support injured people to get back to work as soon as possible within recovery times on average. Where return is not possible due to disability from the accident then ACC can help to retrain to another role or vocation if appropriate. If not then ongoing support may be transferred to the Work and Income department. Visit www.acc.co.nz

Payment of fees

We expect that after a service being provided payment will be promptly given to enable the medical clinic to continue to function to provide healthcare services to patients.
The funding from ACC and the Ministry of Health is not full funding and so any shortfall is passed onto the patient in the form of a Co payment. The Ministry of Health does have control of the maximum co payment fees. The fees are allowed to be increased annually to a maximum percentage set by the Ministry of Health. However from time to time the fee increase allowable does not keep up with inflation increases and so to keep the level of service at a high standard a fees review may need to be undertaken by the local District Health Board for the Ministry of Health.

This practice tries very hard to find better and cost effective ways to provide high level care but this is dependent on available technology and synergies within the health system.

Flexible payment options

Cash, EFTPOS, credit cards, direct online payments, regular automatic payments set up with your bank.